Saturday, June 20, 2009

More Knife Painting

Since my last foray into the world of "knife painting", I haven't been able to stop. lol It's just too much fun!! I guess it's just because it's a new approach for me, so it's rather exciting and is taking me out of my "comfort zone". And the Lukas Painting Butter I described in my last post puts a whole new spin on it. It makes everything just tacky enough to be able to keep layering it, which I never had much success with using just Oil paint alone.

And now that I've been showing these paintings around at my classes, my students are intrigued and chomping at the bit to give it a try. I already have 2 such classes scheduled, so I just placed an order at Jerry's for 3 dozen painting knives and a big tub of the "butter". I can't wait to try it in a class!

Shown above are some recent efforts.....................


Unocchio Vecchiaccio said...

Great job on the knife painting Willy ... I love it.It is such a fun way to create.

Anonymous said...

Love it!!

Unocchio Vecchiaccio said...

You blog is always inspiring, Willy. Spurs me on. Thanks.

delll said...

Hi Sir

Great work!!
Please can you help with what colours did you use in background and also how did you go abt making the core of the flower with knife....

I would surely like to try this :)