Yesterday was a beautiful day, so I hauled out my travel easel and paints and headed out for something scenic to paint.
Pictured here is the result of my little field trip. This is a spot located just a very few miles down the road from me. With the snow melting and all the run-off, this spot was "percolating". Just rushing water! This is the view from the bridge, which is where I set up shop. It's a secondary road, so traffic is minimal and I managed to squeeze into a safer perch behind a guard rail.
Though most of the "ground snow" is gone now, there is still a lot of snow and ice around the river and nearby banks. This particular view is hemmed in with lots of evergreens and cedars and the sunlight that was bathing them resulted in some vivid greens. It was eye-catching and I couldn't have found a nicer spot to try and capture.
I got most of this down and recorded on the spot and finished the closer bark trees when I returned home.
I've been waiting all Winter to get out and do some painting, so this was a great opportunity for it. I hope the good weather holds on a little longer.
Just Great, Wilson, Simply great!How I wish I could get some free time and paint like you! oh me! oh my!
Thanks for the compliment. I must say that there's nothing like being your own boss. Due to my class schedule and commission deadlines, I can't always just take my easel and go, but I have several opportunities in between. Usually, 3 or 4 hours is enough to get an idea down on my canvas. I can always tweak it at my studio later on, if need be.
I loved this one i have loved all your pieces....
The water flowing with little greenery and snow a wonder. !!
Thanks for presenting such beautiful paintings....they are a visual treat and an inspiration.... ! ~~~
Thank you, Achala. I managed to make it outside this afternoon for a couple of hours, although it was much cooler than the other day.
I'll try to post today's effort when I get a chance, but I have workshops the next two days. Look for it early next week.
That looks fantastic!
Very well done in a terrific spot.
in N Tx today will be about 74. What is that white stuff on yours?
Well, we're back to reality and it's 31 here today. It IS still March, after all. Our little heat wave has moved on, but it was great for the few days it lasted! lol
Another winter beauty :)
"Winter" and "Beauty" don't always go together. You're probably too young to remember the "Blizzard of '77" , but I DO!!! WHAT A STORM!
( but thanks for the compliment-*wink* )
Lol, nope...I missed that blizzard by two years ;)
Lucky you! It was BAD!!
another of your great pieces, Willie.... projects me to the spot.. I think I can actually here the water rushing
It's just beautiful! I've never done a plein air...
I know where this is, as its the same road I happened upon on a "mom's morning" when my hubby had the kids and I went out with my camera. I took some photographs of this area both from up on the bridge and down on the rocks before wandering into the woods for a few close-ups of some leaves and leftover thistles. Enjoyed the painting class the other night!
My version will be up on my blog as soon as I can get it off my camera. :) ~Alishia
I'm glad we finally got to meet, Alishia. And I'm glad you enjoyed the class. You're painting was great!
I love your blog All your painting's are great.I wish i would get as good as you. i'l keep trying.Art
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