Well, after much wait and anticipation, our new grandchild was born yesterday morning around 10am. LAUREN joins her older brother ALEX ( 2 years ) and will vie for "Poppy" and "Nana's" unwavering desire to spoil them. lol Hey, that's a grandparent's job, right?
I know some of you aren't there yet and it can sound cliche'd, but trust me,....everything they say about being a grandparent is true! There really is nothing else like it!
She weighed in at 9lbs., 7oz., so she's following tradition. ( I was 9lbs. myself )
Congratulations, Wilson!
Congrats!! She's a beauty! :)
Yeah, we think we'll keep her!
Congrats.....she's beautiful.
Thanks, Mike.
Congratulations, Wilson! Love the chubby cheeks! (: She is gorgeous!
Hey Wilson! What's new?!
Not much, Dawn. Just designing some new projects for my classes.
Had a very busy week-end. Two big classes on Saturday and Sunday. And another big one coming up tomorrow.
We had a long weekend here, got a new stat holiday as of last year *family day* I enjoyed it but am ready for work tomorrow! I finished a new painting and a new sketch today...not sure about the painting though...think I should have gone with a golden sky and I'm not crazy about the composition. Sigh...time to do another one! :)
Congrats! She's gorgeous!!!!
Julie D.
It's funny how quickly they change at this age. She looks different and is much more alert now.
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